The Eternal Mind

A point of pure bliss, all that was but not all that would be, before time made manifest.

Fractured by the first primordial thought, causality; action and consequence:


Dissonance of the Self and the Invention of Reality

To follow was the inevitable second thought, and the third.

Until countless thoughts deepened the fracture, from surface to core, a jagged fork of six bony fingers prying apart the unified self:

The birth of the six celestial twins.
The Great Concepts

Reality and conscious mind interwoven.

Ideas inseparable from the physical plane and made form.

Yearning, Creation and the Subjugation of Kin

Reality forged in a moment, a precursor to instantaneous.

But reality was empty, but for ideas.

The kin yearned to be made whole, for each one a fragment of a once unified self.

In concord and unison a design was to be set in motion, a plan of meticulous detail and engineering. A system to make possible that which each had lost; the pure bliss of the point before time, before the disunion. A powerful idea, born of each kin in committee:

But all were displeased at the outcome.

The siblings, whom each imparted themselves to their creation, found that their craft was too influenced by their brethren,

Tireless work began to influence their machinations, toil and shape, guide and manipulate.
The kin grew to despise one another.

A coup executed by an alliance of the three most prevalent kin.
Each deemed more powerful on the moment of inception by an inequitable fracture, saw to it that their creation would be free from the other’s influences.

Blindsided by the betrayal, the Great Concept of Void was thrown outside of reality, banished and unable to re-enter by his more dominant brothers.

Chaos found subjugation, bound and imprisoned to a pocket of reality in which its nature would hold no sway.

The third kin however, was not caught off-guard. Observant and cunning, had fled.

Fear and the Inevitable

A great shudder rippled forth throughout all that was, crashing with concussive force into the great remaking.

The birth of a new concept, born of a reality outside their own, into all countless realities;
The eternal child, the Inevitable.

This thought now permeated the minds of the primordial kin, for they were reality itself and found themselves changed, and fearing.
The inevitability.
The end.

And so with great haste and malice, they lashed out. But beyond their reality they had little influence, so together they once again schemed to delay their fate and to imprison the inevitable.

Drawn into the den of the Kin was the eternal child, and the trap was sprung.
Each sibling lending a great deal of their power to restrain what is unrestrainable.
Beyond patient, he waits.
For he is inevitable.

Revenge and the Folly of Hubris


It did exist, for a time. But as they had influenced their creations, they had been noticed.
And revered.
And worshipped.

The kin had once again found bliss, and more they toiled, for each was addicted.
The uneasy alliance fell, and now, with what remaining power and influence each had now turned on one another in conflict.

Weak and weary, disfigured, broken. The Concepts then turned to their creations to make war with one another. The great war, unending from before history. The great nations dissolved into the great factions, each with a Concept as their figure-head.

And then their hubris was made known.
Void and Chaos, banished and subjugated, rescinded their efforts to imprison the eternal child.

Overwhelmed to replace the differential, should the eternal child go free and the inevitable end become manifest the Kin, the Great concepts of Balance, Sacrifice and Power find their positions reversed; each imprisoned to hold off the inevitable fate of reality.

This day, is the darkest day.
The final day of existence.
Besieged from outside and within, their gods weakened, the mortal beings of the 3 great factions seek the final push, the last day of a war waged since before history.
Recover and absorb the last vestiges of power from their defeated Kin, else find obliteration!

Good Grief.

GG is a 1v1 and 2v2 PvPvE Hybrid Tower Defence / MOBA / Action game where each and every hero is a totally unique way to experience the game.

GG has been devised from a love of uniquely compelling mechanics, technical fluidity, creativity, strategy and a dissatisfaction for homogeneity and uninspired gameplay loops.

Good Grief has been engineered to provide a creative strategic sandbox with hundreds of thousands of potential viable strategies so that you can find your strategy, play how you want to play, and always not only be viable, but competitive.

Free to play, by a member of the gaming community, for the benefit of the gaming community.

  • Free forever

  • No pay-gated content

  • No pay-to-win

  • Community features including guilds, polls, competitions and tournaments.

Monetisation via donation for thematic, in-universe lore-accurate cosmetics.

The primary purpose of monetisation via donation in exchange for cosmetic items is to fund the research and development of the
plAy-I game streaming service and infrastructure whilst providing a rich, complex, lovingly-crafted experience for the benefit of the entire gaming community.

This alternative community-based funding strategy will allow plAy-I to self-fund its research, development, manufacture and distribution, which will allow us to retain equity and more importantly corporate control so we can always put the consumer, the gaming community first.

True balance attainable through inequitable design methodology.

By designing GG from a foundation of unique hero mechanics rather than just genre defined statistics such as Health, Mana, Damage, CC etc allows each hero to do something unique that no other hero can replicate. All heroes will feel “broken”, they will each excel at something no other hero can accomplish.

It’s the inherently flawed integers that perpetuates the metagame in standard MOBA titles; If a hero has superior damage, survivability, CC or mobility to any counterpart hero in these games it will be deemed easier to play to achieve victories statistically, becoming “broken” and “meta”.

In progress…






Come back for more updates daily, including hero designs and mechanics, 3d models and animations, gameplay showcases and more!